Association for Art and Culture Hüttener Berge eV

Current Artists

For information about events and exhibitions of our members, please visit

Our new club members

How nice it is to be able to welcome new faces as members to our club, even in these difficult times.

We are very pleased

Karla Kurz

to be accepted as a new artistic member into the association.

Karla Kurz

Jewellery, furniture handles

Karla Kurz

Green Way 2

24890 Stolk


Work by Karla Kurz

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In the 80s I trained as a stonemason/stone sculptor. My focus is stone grinding; I use various types of stone to make jewelry, furniture handles and handles for decorative glasses.

Imke Splittgerber †

Shortly before our annual arts market in the TÖZ, our long-standing, creative member Imke Splittgerber passed away.

Until the end, she was confident that she would be able to take part in the market and had already selected the most beautiful of her ceramic creations.

Her special creativity and artistic flair certainly gave her the strength not to give up until the end. We hoped for so long with her and her family that everything would turn out well. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

We will all miss her friendly, straightforward manner, her helpfulness and, last but not least, her wonderful exhibits. She leaves behind a huge gap that we cannot fill.

Marina Birkett

Painting on the Baltic Sea - in the studio and plein air by the sea around Eckernförde

The studio is now open again upon request.

Painting offers: Plein air landscape painting ...

Dates see homepage:

Painting days for all techniques (acrylic, watercolor, pastel and/or oil) can be arranged individually. I accompany beginners and advanced students from 14 to old age.

Bus stop art by Anke Häußler

Waiting becomes a journey of discovery.

This art turns society into a community and encourages people to smile, reflect and experience things together. Launched by artist Anke Häussler, this project can perhaps be contagious in a positive sense and give us a few rays of hope in this uncertain present.

Telsa Polenski

Telse Polenski's YouTube channel "Die Kräutermuse" is all about medicinal herbs, wild plants and nature.

In her new video, Telse talks about the wild carrot, its uses, its healing properties and its ecology.

Link to the

There will be more educational information in the next video.

Bernd Wilms

In my studio on the Carlshöhe in ECK,

At Carlshöhe 78 (Kunstgasse above the gallery CARLS ART 78) I show the entire range of my works (collages, sculptures and objects).

You can view the gallery at any time during opening hours (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.). I am usually on site during these times.

For a visit outside opening hours, an arrangement is necessary.


More about Bernd Wilms on the website of Atelierhaus Carlshöhe 78.

Link to website:

Atelierhaus Carlshöhe

-Little friend-

Unique jewellery and belts
Anette Hausotter
Stoltebüllholz 18
24409 Stoltebüll

04643-1097 / 01776114971

A trip to go fishing is always worthwhile.

If you are interested in choosing something beautiful or have a special request for a piece of jewelry or a belt, or if you want to set a special stone, please contact me by phone, WhatsApp or email.

I am happy to offer an individual appointment to browse and select in the workshop.

Sabine Lempelius

The new music video “systemrelevant” by our member Sabine Lempelius.

Who or what is actually systemically relevant?

More videos from Sabine Lempelius on her YouTube channel.

Link to the

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Christiane Will

Antiques and arts and crafts

Bahnhofstr. 15

24392 Süderbarup

Corona-related changes under 04641-9893922

13 different craftsmen on 45sqm in the listed train station.

eight times eight

The handicraft shop "achtmalacht" in Eckernförde.

Unfortunately closed at the moment. Window shopping with pick-up appointments possible!

More information on the homepage:

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